Friday, December 31, 2010

New Habits and Resolutions

Ok.. I have always thought about New Year's resolutions but sometimes I forget about them by January 15th. Isn't that what every body else does? I guess I am with all the other peeps who say, "This year I'm watching what I eat, blah blah blah.." This year, however, my husband and I have actually said we are going to set goals instead of setting up an actual weight loss number. We have a goal of running a half marathon and wanting to fit into some clothes that either need to go into our closets or go to the local Goodwill!

As for new habits.. our 2 year old has started lying down on the floor at bedtime and falling asleep. I know.. we travel so much and we have been kind of slack on bedtime routines, except for the bath, of course. We just let him fall asleep and we take him into his room for bed. I am probably setting up the worst habit ever and the Supernanny on tv would have a few things to say... but, I'm not one of her clients so I think I'm ok...hehehe!

I have had the very best holiday season and I am getting to spend New Years with my sweet husband who is right now playing w/ his toy helicopter.. yes, it's his toy...and we're watching Friends and we're just vedging until we ring in the New Year. I know its not glamorous but its just what we do... very low key..just like us!

So, from our home to yours.. we wish you the very best New Year, which ever way you celebrate!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Its already over?!

Its already the day after Christmas and I have just mailed out our Christmas cards. Every year I promise myself I will be more organized and send them the very next day after Thanksgiving.. only to disappoint myself and send them late?! Argghh... if I only made reasonable expectations of myself and didn't continually get frustrated!

This year we had two wonderful Christmas celebrations with both sides of the family and it was very special! I think this year was more special because we not only had one more child in our lives, thank you Mailey for making us smile! But we also had more intimate celebrations with our families. The Meenachs had a special lunch the week before because of work schedules, etc. The Drake family had a sweet lunch because my dad has been sick and we brought lunch to him and his lovely wife, Arlene. I think this year has been very special and I can't think of anything we would have done differently :) Ok, maybe send out the cards a little earlier!

I want to wish all of you a very special New Year and I hope its a happy and healthy one, too!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Already?!

I can't believe the year I have had! I am a mother to a new little girl, Mailey, and I just love my growing little boy, Drake. We had a wonderful Fall and now we're in the throws of December and the wonderful holiday is right around the corner!

Now.. I will admit that when I was young (like 12-18), I loved Christmas for several reasons.. outside of celebrating Jesus' birth, I loved being out of school, shopping, seeing friends, etc. I still love all of these things (ok, maybe minus the crazy shopping) but I have really been humbled this year to really focus on the reason of Christmas and not even WANTing to ask my family what they would like to receive this year as a gift. We've agreed to something around $10 but the main thing we're doing is just spending time together.. and that is something you can't put a price on.

As for our children.. my husband and I are really thinking about what to do as far as how many gifts does each one get (when they have too much already?!) and how we're going to transition in the future when they expect more. I still am in awe in how my parents raised three kids and still maintained their sanity (and humor!).. I can only hope I raise my kids in a similar way with as much love as they showed us!