Colton is very healthy, happy and just always grinning (unless he is hungry, or diaper needs changing?!).. he is such the happy camper! I should write his birth story on here very soon.. don't want to forget it : ) I just wanted to post how cute he has gotten since we brought him home this past November, and because I want to keep up with this blog, its very hard, ya know?!
As for the rest of my clan.. well, we are waiting for my husband to finish his internship at an accounting firm in Northern Kentucky and then he will graduate with his second degree, which is in accounting, from NKU. The past two years have been a long road we took when we decided it was best that he return to school.. lets just say that without family, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc we could not have done what we did, especially with our kids : )
Waiting for tax season to be over.. any day now... just waiting! Hoping to update this blog a little more frequently.. so, maybe in a week I will post some pics from a trip to Louisville!