Well, I wanted to write his birth story and some sweet things about him before the big day but time got away from me. I feel like that is the theme these days as I try and remember what we were doing 3 years ago?! Time does fly when you're having fun or trying to enjoy every minute!
To start this part two of my firstborn's story.. just a reminder.. I hope you are a person who doesn't mind medical details?! Not too much detail.. but some people may not want to read what happens during a birth. So, here goes...
We were due on Nov. 14th 2008 and it was somewhere in late October when we were both just waiting for the big day.. Dwayne working and I was on short term disability from work. I am a flight attendant and we go out at 27 weeks, kind of a sweet deal! About the time we are talking about.. my dear sister came up twice and was helping me wash all the baby goodies and putting them away. She came for two Sundays in a row and we were having a good time catching up and just talking..doing what sisters do. The second Sunday, 10/19/08, we were folding clothes and laughing when I felt a little shift in my belly and I said, "Whoa, I think I'm gonna sit down?!" Definitely a little surprise for me and Julie, my sis, because I had been feeling great all day. She asked if I was alright and I was, "Sure! Never better!" I really did take a seat because something just kind of told me to sit, ya know?! To make the moment even funnier, Julie asked if we had our bag packed for the hospital.. I was like, nah.. I've got at least 3 weeks! She said that I'd probably want to put a few things together, just in case. Famous last words!
The next day I believe Dwayne had a Dr's appointment for his foot.. he had been having trouble with an injury from his past. We didn't do very much that day and he ended up working at Publix that afternoon and evening. He returned home around midnight.. so we both went to bed to just get up the next day and do everything all over again. Around 1am I woke up having to go to the bathroom, not something I had experienced in my pregnancy very often (as some women do), but what else would you do when you had to go to the restroom? So, I return to bed, only to wake up again 30 minutes later having to go again to the bathroom.. I was a little put off with it by now, seriously?! I didn't drink a lot of water that night! I finally put 2 and 2 together and figured out that this may not be nature calling.. but in fact the BABY calling! I had to scream from the restroom for Dwayne, God bless him, he was so tired! I said I needed my cell phone and I think that we were in labor?! I didn't really know but I needed to call someone?! The poor Dr on call, Dr. Adams, returned my call and sounded even more tired than Dwayne.. poor lady! She said it sounded like my water broke and to go ahead and go to Piedmont..she'd call ahead. Dwayne grabbed a quick shower and I packed somewhat of a bag...should've listened to my sister!!
We were on our way and I just have to say, 1) Nice that there is no traffic around 2-3am, 2) It was so quiet and I thought how neat that it was just me and Dwayne at this hour.. holding hands and we're about to become a family!
We check in, the nurses were very nice.. they got us settled and things kind of started for me on the labor front (pain and uneasiness of the unknown!). My nurse said that since it was our first baby that it was going to be a long morning and that Dwayne could try to rest if he wanted... once again..famous last words! When we were progressing I had told them that meds were not out of the question, but I wanted to see how far I could go... knowing me, not long! Around 5am.. I had about as much pain as I believe I'd be able to handle and wanted the wonderful Dr of pain free labor to help out : ) I am all for ladies who want the natural route, but I am not one of them.. I know there are opinions of either side... but at the end of the day, I believe I made the best decision for our situation.
Nevertheless.. the nurse checks you before calling the anesthesiologist, just to give them info or something, all I knew was that HE was on MY floor and steps away from making the PAIN GO AWAY! Yay!! She, the lovely nurse, asked me something about my Dr telling me or not if the baby was breech and I said no, in fact, the last visit they said my baby was ready for his debut?! She apologized and said that it looked like I was going to be having a C-section because of the position of the baby. All this to say.. that "long morning" for us turned into us going right into surgery and my baby boy came at 6:35am.. mind you.. I had just woken up at 1am-ish to just go to the restroom at MY HOME.. and now, a mere 5 hours later I was a mommy! Yeah, shocker for me, too?! I remember lying there, after they brought Drake to my side so I could see him, his cute self, thinking... I'm a mommy, I'm a mommy... responsible for this little one! Yikes.. big moment..and I am in surgery..SO not the way we planned : <
Drake Kenton Meenach was a healthy baby boy who was a wee bit early but I wouldn't have had it any other way. We stayed in the hospital for the four days afterwards.. things went a wee bit wobbly in the nursing department but we managed after awhile. There are some things you just have to learn and practice over and over again?!
I just know that this precious little boy is now 3 and he is growing every day! His words are multiplying, he is kind, sweet, and curious. He isn't quite potty trained, but thats ok.. we'll get there.. and he knows his numbers and about 95% of the alphabet. I am not blind to his little grins when he really wants something he can't have.. we're dealing with "time outs" and discipline..not my favorite part of being mommy, but I knew it wouldn't be. He is growing into his big brother role quite well.. and then, again, he has his moments of bopping his little sister on the head with a stern look and a few minutes in time out. I am really learning a lot about being a mother who is patient and understanding.. hard at times, but I am trying! Then, again, sometimes I have to tell him that mommy needs a minute and can't speak for a few minutes (when I'm brewing or stewing, or whatever?!). I say all this because he is the first one of my children going through different phases and I'm doing what I can without having my own mother by my side for advice. I lean so much on my wonderful husband and I'd have to say we have done pretty good so far.. we make each other laugh and we've really worked on being a team when it comes to raising our kids.. not one-upping the other. Wow, have I gone off subject?!
This whole story to say that 3 years ago today.. I gave birth to a sweet little boy who stole my heart! I don't know what I wouldn't do for him (or any of my kids). I love being a mommy and I can only hope that other women who have a desire or hope to be one someday get their chance because its truly a blessing! I have been blessed by my two children's health and happiness.. I can only hope this 3rd one, another boy, is just as happy and healthy!
Happy Birthday Drake!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Boy Will Be 3! Part one..

This adorable little guy.. my firstborn, my BABY.. will be 3 in a few days?! Where has the time gone? I have no idea, but I wanted to tell his birth story before his birthday because I think if I write it down and archive it somehow.. it will help me when I have all 3 kids around me and I can easily read it to him while my memory is good! Let me add that I borrowed this idea from a fellow blogger who recently told her firstborn's story as well..Krystyn Hall is a cool writer who is much more consistent with her blog than I am : ) I am hoping to become more consistent.. lets see how it goes!
As I tell this story (which I will tell in 2 parts).. I hope no one is squirmy with details about babies, birth, pregnancy.. just to let you know its not too detailed, but you never know?! Thought I'd warn the faint of heart, thanks to Krystyn for that warning, I just wanted to do the same.
I first have to tell the pregnancy test story.. its humorous, at least I think it is!
My hubby, Dwayne, was working at Publix at the time while we had decided to start trying for a baby.. we didn't know how long it would take or if it would happen at all, so to say we were sticker shocked at tools to help you figure out pregnancy is an understatement. I say sticker shocked only because I can't imagine having to purchase dozens of pregnancy tests, predictors, etc. when you're emotionally involved in the process. With this in mind.. my sweet man called me and told me to come up to his store and check out the clearance stand because I may need to purchase some things. I asked what he was talking about and he said, "I just think you need to come up and see for yourself." I was intrigued.. but smiling becasue he has a fun sense of humor so there was no telling what he was talking about!
I go to Publix and shop around.. find him and chat before I go over to the stand. When I DO get there, I almost fall over.. about 10-12 pregnancy tests for $0.50!! Yes...fifty cents! I start to think.. huh? Usually the minimum is $7 (or more)/pop...whats wrong with them? Well, it was February and they were all expiring at the end of March. Well, I still thought that they were a cool deal.. I bought 4.. just a drop in the bucket compared to the normal cost.
Fast forward to March.. I am close to the time where I'd need to test and we have one left. I had taken the others earlier in the month to no avail and was down to one left. I knew what it was going to be.. negative, as the other two were earlier that week. Well... its funny.. there was a wee little shadow that started to emerge on the "window" teller part (I don't know what they're officially called)... and the second line appeared! I was dumbfounded.. estatic, but, was very surprised at how I felt?! Overwhelmed and shocked.. happy.."is this happening" feeling.. all the feelings I didn't expect. Nevertheless.. I ran into the living room and told Dwayne.. to his, "What is that?!" response while he was on the phone. He was over the moon, obviously, when he finally knew what it meant. He is an awesome man that I am SO blessed to be married to.. we both just sat there and thought, "Wow!"
We had decided to go for a walk earlier in the afternoon, so we went ahead and chilled out on the Silver Comet Trail while we talked about what we wanted to do next. We decided to buy a non-almost expiring pregnancy test.. and of course, go to my doctor. That evening.. another test confirmed what the $0.50 test had showed us earlier. We were having a baby!
We were over the moon after the tests and Dr's visit.. we knew we didn't want to tell everyone, for fear of things that could happen early on, but we told a few people..parents and our siblings. All of them were SO excited. For our parents, we printed out little signs that said someone special was arriving in November (11/14/08) and framed it for each set of folks. We gave them the gifts individually and they all had great reactions! My own dad, Ernie, didn't quite read all of the info in the frame at first.. he was happy with a pretty frame and then saw there was something in it, his face was priceless! For Dwayne's side.. his mother was a little curious and figured something was up when we flew up for the weekend as a surprise. His parents were both very excited, obviously, and his mom was even MORE excited because she had already purchased a bassinet for our first born?! She was laughing when she showed us because she said she just wanted to be prepared for any announcements we may have.. I thought it was awesome!
We slowly told more people as time passed.. to happy greetings, and great advice, too. That was the one thing that I have to say never overwhelmed me. People say that random strangers would give you all the advice in the world and they want to touch your belly, etc. I was ok with the belly touching by my friends.. only one person who I DID NOT know was about to touch my belly and I asked her not to, she was approaching me at a restaurant?! Who does that?! Random, I know.. but otherwise, everyone was cool around me. I had very sweet advice from ladies at my church and cards from friends. I guess I just absorbed it all and just enjoyed it?! I had a pregnant buddy at work and we both had fun picking on each other and sharing advice.. its always nice to have a preggers buddy!!
All this to say.. the discovery of the next big event in your life is definitely one to remember and hopefully share it with others, especially the little one you're growing inside of you. I am glad I am writing this all down because as I type I start to remember things that I had momentarily forgotten, so I hope I get it all down!
In my next blog.. I will tell how we prepared and made our way to a family of three. I hope this post brings you back for the sequeal!
See you next time!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
All Things Pregnant
All things pregnant means all the things that I get to experience with t-minus 6 weeks to go before baby boy Meenach arrives! Here are just a few:
-Never try on boots at the store when you're 8 mths along.. you really need someone's help to zip up the side. Lets just say that this took place right before Target closed and I managed to get out of the boots ok..for now?!
-Its ALWAYS ok to just take a cart (even without a kid) to just carry your purse. Just taking care of my preggo friends!
-Always take your parents up on offering to take care of your 14mth old for two nights... its always cool to get a good night's rest!
-Naps are our friends!
-I can't drive in the HOV lanes as a lone driver just yet... with my kids, yes, but the kid in the belly doesn't count as my plus one, just yet...only 6 more weeks!
-Shoes are overrated... I am sporting flipflops til I die! Well, maybe the aformentioned boots will be purchased and I can wear those in the Winter!
-Last but not least, and I may add to this list later, but this "nesting" thing has kicked in and I'm doing some much needed damage to my home... lets hope hubby will, too! He comes home this weekend and I can't wait to see him! Only a few more weeks and he is done with school! Woohoo!!
Thats all I can think of right now.. but I know there are many more. Feel free to contact me and add to it?!
Til we meet again!
-Never try on boots at the store when you're 8 mths along.. you really need someone's help to zip up the side. Lets just say that this took place right before Target closed and I managed to get out of the boots ok..for now?!
-Its ALWAYS ok to just take a cart (even without a kid) to just carry your purse. Just taking care of my preggo friends!
-Always take your parents up on offering to take care of your 14mth old for two nights... its always cool to get a good night's rest!
-Naps are our friends!
-I can't drive in the HOV lanes as a lone driver just yet... with my kids, yes, but the kid in the belly doesn't count as my plus one, just yet...only 6 more weeks!
-Shoes are overrated... I am sporting flipflops til I die! Well, maybe the aformentioned boots will be purchased and I can wear those in the Winter!
-Last but not least, and I may add to this list later, but this "nesting" thing has kicked in and I'm doing some much needed damage to my home... lets hope hubby will, too! He comes home this weekend and I can't wait to see him! Only a few more weeks and he is done with school! Woohoo!!
Thats all I can think of right now.. but I know there are many more. Feel free to contact me and add to it?!
Til we meet again!
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